
The implementation of such a concept deserves careful

consideration of the area to be studied.

Rongelap Atoll has a

unigue advantage since it has been contaminated only once by moderately high levels of fallout.

Thus the time of origin is known

without the confusion due to repeated contamination of the same

There is what might be thought of as a disadvantage,


fact that atolls are not typical of continental situations.


the other hand, a glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean quickly
shows that a large portion of the earth's surface is represented
by atolls and other coralline islands.

Late in 1958 the University of Washington, Laboratory of
Radiation Biology, under the direction of Professor Lauren R.
Donaldson, was asked to institute a program of "radiation ecology"
at Rongelap Atoll.

The first expedition was made in March 1958

in cooperation with a medical team headed by Dr. Robert A. Conard
of the Brookhaven National Laboratories.
have been made in August-September,

Since that time trips

1958 by the ecology group and

1959 by the medical: and ecology groups.

It should be emphasized that radiation effects on the biota
are too elusive to be profitably followed in the field.


terious effects are produced by a variety of agents which are not
all known and are difficult to separate under field conditions.
It has never been possible to determine with certainty that
observed “abnormalities” of the biota in the vicinity of the

Select target paragraph3