
Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20545

Dr. Chester R. Richmond

Associate Director, Biomedical
and Environmental Sciences
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. 0. Box X

Oak Ridge, Tennessee


Dear Chet:

Reference is made to your note of July 5, 1979, re expressed concern
about coconut plantings at Enewetak Atoll.

The islands being planted--Enewetak (Fred), Medren (Elmer), Japtan

(David) and Ananij (Bruce)--all are located in the southeast sector
of the atoll; the first three are identified as inhabitable islands.
I am not aware that there has ever been a question raised regarding

the use of these islands for coconut plantings.

To my knowledge, no coconut seedlings have been transported to or

planted on the northern islands (Enjebi, Aomon, etc.), although

seedlings are being raised in case the decision is made to do so.
A decision on this by the Department of Interior (DOI) is being
deferred until the Livermore dose assessment is available. A DOI
decision is expected on this early in August; postponement of such

a decision to later months escalates the costs significantly.

I think that it can reasonably be assumed that the Enewetak people and

their Jegal counsel will take the position that the northern islands

be planted.


In summary, the decision to plant coconuts on tha southern islands was
made some time ago--in fact it is so stated in the Environmental Impact
Statement published in April 1975. No DOI decision has been made to
date re the planting of the northern islands pending the LLL assessment.
This was confirmed with Mrs. Van Cleve, Director of the Office of
Territorial Affairs, DOI.
IT trust this clarifies the current situation.




Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D.
Office of Environment

Bair Committee

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