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in research and therapy.
Radiation Instruments Progran


Study of film dosimeters. A report has been completed on fhe
evaluation of the several types of film dosimeters in use at the various
AEC installations. The work consisted of two parts:
(1) Study offthe

sensitivity, quality dependence, and maximum range of the film badke: and
(2) a cross-calibration study.

Some 15 different AEC installations participated, and the
show that most of these installations are able to get a fair degree
precision in measuring and interpreting gamma and X ray radiation
over a wide range of energies and intensities. The survey has beqnm
portant in pointing out areas where improvements may be initiated
to reduce inaccuracies in film dosimeter measurements.

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Testing of radioactive electric cells. Tests were made offtwo
Model E-50 electric cells of the radioactive source type manufact red by
the Radiation Research Corp. of West Palm Beach, Florida. These
first cells of this type which have appeared on the market. Preliminary
claimed by the manufacturer. However, the voltage of the cells
load is applied showed some dependence on humidity conditions.

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application in low-current devices where long storage and small
dimensions are required.

The Advisory Board on Water Decontamination met at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory in October to review the current status of tle Oak
Ridge project on water decontamination. The board was set up inf1950 to
“provide technical advice on the project which is under the nomingl supervision of the U. 5. Public Health Service at Oak Ridge. Represehtatives
were present from AEC, U. S. Public Health Service, Department
(AFSWP), New York State Waterworks Commission, and the American Waterworks ©



by natural agents, water decontamination, and instrumentation.
port will be revised to include further studies and later issue

official document for distribution by the Oak Ridge National LaBoratory.
It contains comprehensive data on decontamination studies and will be of
considerable value to all waterworks engineers in the country, In addition
to having wide application in AEC operations.





Recent work under the cooperative agreement with the Natio

Bureau of Standards for studies in the radiation instrument field

Select target paragraph3