ON .


‘Weapons Test Activities gi?-27OUNRinkiaay
Neutron dosimetry program Operation CASTLE.


fre being

made to incorporate neutron measuring techniques developed by tHe
Ridge National Laboratory into the program of neutron radiation fmeasurements being undertaken by the Naval Research Laboratory during Qperation
CASTLE. The program will be of benefit to both groups and will finvolve .


little expense and effort.



The Oak Ridge research group has made use of neptunium, uganiun,

and plutonium fission detectors in studies to determine total n@utron flux.

Neutron measurements made during previous field tests have not fovered the
wide range of neutron energies of interest to the ‘biophysicists
Such data derived from these fission detector measurements would be of] considerable importance in interpreting the total neutron dose.


Research Activities (UNCLASSIFIED)
Cell-freephotosynthesis. Photosynthesis, the process by which the
energy of the sun is converted to food stuff, has always been
dtudied in
the intact cell. Recent experiments at Oak Ridge National Labdratory
have involved use of the alga Chara which has very large cells from which
the cytoplasm may be squeezed out, free of cell wall and cell
qdep. It was
found that this preparation when placed in an atomosphere of carbon 14
synthesized carbohydrate.
This discovery indicated that an esgentially
cell-free medium is capable of carrying out photosynthesis.
Effect of thermal] neutrons on seeds.


The number of mutafions pro-

duced in barley seeds by doses of KX rays and thermal neutrons fas been
compared with the amount of damage indicated by growth inhibitfion and the
amount of visible chromosomal damage.
At Brookhaven National Laboratory,
it was found that the mutation frequency was closely cornelatefi with the

chromosomal damage but not correlated with growth inhibition.

Phis fact

means that with thermal neutrons many more mutations will be produced for


Select target paragraph3