D. J. Brush, General Manager
June 11, 1979
Page 5

Continued with examinations.
Rain stopped early morning.

Monday, 4 June (TT Tuesday).

Examinatons on shore and aboard as usual.


Dr.Pratt asked me to come below - wanted to point out the uninhabitability
of the below deck's space, with the following specific comment:
Doors in laboratory -too low

Ceiling too low
Bed reading lamps not adequate
Berthing area too crowded
Forward area too uncomfortable when at sea

Tuesday, 5 June (TT Wednesday).

Continue routine of examinations...

Wednesday, 6 June (TT Thursday).
Seeing no patients today - medical team preparing equipment for departure
scheduled now for 1500 hrs.
Eight patients aboard for transfer to Kwajalein.
Were unable to see all the children here - not enough time, and difficult
to round them all up.
Departed 1510 hrs. for Wotje.

Thursday, 7 June (TT Friday).

Arrived 0750 hrs. Tied to dock. Borderline depth. At a minus tide,
would not be able to come alongside. People of Wotje had no advance
knowledge of our arrival.


Raining on arrival and rained all day.


Late change in plans - will hold sick call aboard.

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1340 hrs. - Dr. Pratt said a coronary patient would have to go and \/ ie
requested the man's wife accompany him.

a passenger and could not go.

I stated that she would be

Dr. Pratt asked me to so inform the patient.

Departed 1500 hrs. with three Wotje patients aboard.
aboard: 14.

Total patients

Select target paragraph3