DOE/ERSP PROCEDURE NO Date Drafted APPROVED: Date QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE 1. Purpose To assure quality of results. 2. Applicability This procedure applies to the Eberline Pacific Lab (DOE Element) on Enewetak Atoll. 3. Responsibility The Eberline Pacific Lab chemist is responsible for the con- duct of the Quality Control program. He will prepare blind spikes that will be processed in the normal procedure. At completion, the letters "Qc" will be suffixed to the assigned sample number, and a comparison will be made between the known and obtained values. 4. Procedure A. Plutonium and americium by alpha spectroscopy. 1. Tracers: a. Appropriate tracers will be added to determine the chemical recovery of plutonium and americium. b. The plutonium tracer will be cross checked by alpha counting against a NBS standard, at time of preparation. The americium tracer will be a NBS standard. c. Purity or tracer will te determined by alpha spectrometry at time of preparation.