
The major technical radsafe element of the task force was TU 7

of the Scientific Test Group (TG 132.1).

designated as the commander of this unit.

The Chief Radsafe Officer was

Radiological safety of all

military and civilian personnel was specified as a command responsibility
(Annex H, Op Order 1-52, IPL 132#4), and radsafe activities were to be

performed through normal command channels.

Task Unit 7 had

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responsibilities that affected the entire task force, while the other
three task groups possessed essentially self-contained radsafe units.
Each task group commander was responsible for providing the necessary
radsafe personnel for his group.

In February 1952, while the task groups were being organized, CJTF 132
published Operation Order 1-52 (IPL 132#4), which specified the radsafe

The Commander, Joint Task Force 132 was to:

Specify the measures necessary to ensure the

radiological safety of task force personnel and
furnish technical advisory assistance to task
group radsafe officers

Inform the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC),

of potential radiological hazards to those living
within a radius of 600 miles (966 km) or personnel
flying within a radius of 1,000 miles (1,610 km)
of the test site.

Prior to the onsite operational phase, task group
commanders were to:


Select target paragraph3