Allied Research Associates(ARA), Boston Massachusetts.

Plans called for

three employees of this firm to assist the Air Force in the conduct of
Project 6.10.

Only one was badged.

American Car_and Foundry Industries (ACF).

This firm fabricated and assem-

bled the mechanical portions of the MIKE device.
people to TU 4, the Weapon Assembly Task Unit.
apparently badged.

ACF provided 46
None of these were

They were peebattly evacuated from Eluklab and

taken to Kwajalein after the assembly process was completed.

Bendix Aviation, Burbank, California.

This firm was to provide eight engi-

neers to support the telemetry system for Project 6.11.

None were

badged and they peoSably did not get farther than Kwajalein.

Boeing Company.

This Air Force contractor was to have a representative to

aid in the effects aircraft experiment.

Cambridge Corporation, Boulder, Colorado.

No Boeing people were badged.

This A.D. Little subsidiary was

an AEC contractor that provided the handling services for the
super-cold liquefied gases required for the MIKE device.
done as TU 3, and 83 men were involved.

None were badged, indicating

that this group did not return to Enewetak after MIKE.


This was

Select target paragraph3