
only the greatest one for each island (IPO 132.3#5, Rendova; IPO

132.1TU1#617, pp. BE


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Over Enewetak and Medren, the survey team detected no radiation, but
they found Runit contaminated.

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About 40 minutes after the detonation,

while in the vicinity of Billae Island, the helicopter was contaminated by
muddy rainout and the survey terminated.

At 0821, upon its return to the

Rendova, the helicopter showed residual contamination of 2 R/hr (IPO

(Re p. 37).



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Appareritty On the basis of [the Stok radiation survey of Enewetak and
Medren islands, an 8-man reentry party TE was flown ashore in an
Air Force H-19 helicopter about 40 minutes after the shot to reopen the
Enewetak airstrip on a limited basis.

Once reopened, about 2 hours after

the detonation, the airstrip could be used for emergency landings by

planes taking part in postshot activities (IPO 132#1, p. 279).

At the

same time, a Holmes and Narver group was helicoptered to Medren to look
for damage and to check refrigerators, powerhouses, and the water plant

(IPO 132#1, p. 279).

Efforts to survey the radiological condition of the atoll and the
damage to facilities continued.
CTG 132.L,

At about 0915, the Scientific Deputy to

and a scientific party helicoptered from the Rendova, apparently

intending to go around the atoll] counterclockwise.

At Runit, they were

forced to turn back by "excessive, active fallout" (IPO 132#1, p. 279).

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