The History of Operation IVY (IPO 132#1) indicates that in September
1951, CUTF 132 sent a letter to CTG 132.2 requesting information on the
Status of radsafe facilities at Enewetak Island.

He was informed that no

radiac equipment was available for use by TG 132.2, that no personnel
trained in the use of radiac equipment were available in the task group,
and that the AEC Resident Engineer had no technical facilities with which

to advise CTG 132.2 or to establish radsafe criteria for granting access
to the previously contaminated islands of Runit, Eleleron, Enjebi, and

By late September, the Army was requested to furnish a

limited amount of standard radiac equipment to provide CTG 132.2 with the
means for fulfilling radsafe requirements during the buildup period.


December, CTG 132.2 was informed that radiac equipment was being procured
and would be shipped as it became available.

The first shipment,

consisting of 12 portable survey meters and 20 low-range dosimeters, was
made in late December.

Monitors were trained in early 1952 and the

radiological status of the atoll was evidently determined before the
Operational phase, although no record of this survey has been found.


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Task Group 132.3 (Navy)

Annex P to CJTF 132 Op Plan 2-52 (IPL 132#2) directed CTG 132.3 to
perform the following assignments:

Ensure that appropriate radiac equipment and
qualified personnel were aboard each task group unit,



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