Concept and Narrative of Operations
CUTF 132 No, 5=5
test equipment.


N-2 Day
Weather briefing confirms favorable outlook for N Day.


N-l Day
Weather briefing confirms favorable outloek for N Day.

Security forces operate at maximum capability.
shot island are conducted,

Security sweeps of the

Evacuation is completed by 1600 except for

firing party.


N Day
Arming of weapon, checiting of instrumentation and evacua-

tion of shot island.

Samples and scientific data are collected as soon as

possible consistent with safety of personnel.

Fighter aircraft are directed

through appropriate sections of cloud by director aircraft, refueling of
fighters by tankers taking place as necessary.
traft accomplish cloud tracking missions.

Weather reconnaissance air-

A.l units are on alert to parti-

cipate in air rescue operations during period of increased air activity.


QBOE shot _- FSTER_shot - SUGAR shot.
In general, the same concept of operations will be followed

for the test of the OBOE, PETER and SUGAR devices which will be scheduled
at two.week intorvals,

The order in which the devices will be detonated

will be determined later,

Major Veneral, USA

Colonel, USA

Assistant Chief of Staff, J-3


Select target paragraph3