
Will we be moved from Rongelap - like the Bikinians?


Questicns the people of Rongelap have asked

Will radiation ever increase or does it just decrease?

Why have the scientist come to Rongelap now?

Why can't we go live on the Northern Islands of Rongelap

- when can we live and take food from this island.

How come the trees - coconut, pandanus - don't grow well

on the Northern Islands - does the radiation affect trees?

How come America doesn't give us food if the trees are
already radiated.

If the soil is already radiated, how come they don't

change it?

Will the radiation affect our children that are being born
How come the reason the AEC comes to these islands?
Is it good to eat coconut crab now?


Do you understand about how much radioactivity is on
Rongelap? — or Rongelap, Rongelap?


Can you tell us the results of the survey earlier than
next. year?


Is there a lot of radiation in the air?


If you take us from -Rongelap no one will make cop?because
of no land.
They said that they have seen the people on

Ugelang, Enewetak, and Bikini not make copra.
Rongelap won't now if moved.

So the

Why does. 54 seem that the fish people eat now get fish
poisoning from when they used to eat them and not get
What about the arow root - how come when we eat a lot we

get sores in the mouth, and a stomach ache followed by

Also on the lips - the outer layer of skin
dries up and peels.

*Prepared by Roger Ray, NV Project Manager for the survey.

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