"An Evie is no stranger, either.
happy to be back at Rongelap.

I am sure she is very

(A warm response from the audience)
"And Dr. Crant is no stranger.

Frank Cogswell.

He has been a colleague today,

(Colleague was a difficult word:

who works withhin'" was the solution)


"For some time, as you know, the Atomic Energy Commission

and then the Energy Research and Development Administration

(translator quite readily made that "ERDA") and now the

Department of Energy has had various scientific groups visit
Rongelap and other atolls in the Northern Marshalls.
"During the last 25 years the scientists who have visite 1 here

have made measurements of radiation and have collected sa-t1es
of the food and other things that are here:
The water and the
“By taking these things back to the laboratories in the United
States they have been able to learn about the radiation here
and to give you advice about the foods and about your life
on this atoll.
"During the last few years we have developed new instruments
and new methods - new ways of making radiation measurements that permit us to learn in much more detail the conditions of
these atolls.
"Most of these new methods and new instruments have been used

at Enewetak recently to make the surveys of that atoll.


"For about two years we have been planning the survey that we

are starting now, which will extend that work to many other:
atolls in the Northern Marshalls.

"Rongelap is the first of those atolls that we are now starting
to survey.
"T want to be sure that you understand that we have no new

reason to be concerned about Rongelap.

"But we have these new methods to be more sure than we have
ever been before.

Select target paragraph3