her 1954 residence in their native language. Individuals who were too young
to remember the 1954 thermonuclear
BRAVO test were asked where they
were born, and their residence history
for their first five years was noted.
Risk Assessment

The absolute risk coefficient for thyroid neoplasia is expressed as the number of excess nodules/thyroid dose/
years at risk/1 million persons, where
excess nodules are the observed minus
expected nodules and the thyroid dose
is expressed in grays (1 Gy =100 rad).
The mostrecent estimates for the mean
doseof radiation to the thyroid gland in
Marshall Islanders are 21 Gy (2100 rad)
for Rongelap Islanders and 2.80 Gy
(280 rad) for Utrik Islanders.” To calculate a single absolute risk coefficient
for both of these populations, previous
studies used the following information:
a mean thyroid dose of 8 Gy (800 rad),
the mean numberof years at risk (18),
the observed number of nodules (46),
and the expected numberof nodules (16)
for the combined population of 251
Rongelap and Utrik Islanders. The
calculation for the expected number of
nodules was based on a prevalence of
6.3% for atolls assumed unexposed to
We determined a new value for the
prevalence of nodules in unexposed
Marshall Islanders. To calculate a new
absolute risk coefficient, we used the

expected number of nodules determined with this new prevalence value as
well as the above information concerning mean dose, mean years at risk, and
observed nodules for the original 251
Rongelap and Utrik Islanders.
Internal Validity
Since all thyroid examinations were
performed by a single investigator
(T.E.H.), it was important to validate
these observations. A substudy was designed that compared, in a maskedfashion, results of the author's physical ex-

amination of the thyroid gland with
results of the physical examination by
an expert in thyroid disease. A group of
178 individuals whom the author had
examined during the previous two years
was asked to participate in this study.
Approximately 50% of these individuals
had previously had normal thyroid examination results and were randomly
selected from northern and southern
atolls. The remaining 50% had nodular
thyroid abnormalities. Each of the 173
people was examined separately by an
experienced thyroid examiner from the
University of Washington, Seattle. The

second examiner had no prior knowledge of the author's previous examinaJAMA, Aug 7, 1987—Vol 258, No. 5

tions. In addition, Dr Hamilton repeated examination of any individual
(masked to his previous examination)
when there was disagreement between
his results and those of the visiting
thyroid examiner. Approximately 95%
of this 173-person cohort complied with
these examinations. Excellent agreement was obtained between the two
examiners (87% observed agreement,
kappa = .80).
Demographic Characteristics
of Cohort
A meanof 64% of the populations of
the 13 primary atolls was screened, with
a range of 33% to 95% (Table 2). As
discussed in the “Methods” section, selected screening examinations were
performed on Majuro and Kwajalein
atolls to find those individuals who had
lived on any of the 13 primary atolls at
the time of the 1954 BRAVOtest. Because nearly a third of Kwajalein Atoll
was screened, it was added to the other
13 primary atolls for the subsequent
analyses, making a total of 14 study
Prevalence of Thyroid Nodularity
Of the 7266 persons screened, 2273

were alive at the time of the BRAVO
test and were residing on one of the 14
study atolls on March 1, 1954 (Table 3).

Exposure to the short-lived radioiodines ™], “I, “I, and “I was therefore
possible in this group. Since theseisotopes have half-lives of eight days or
less, exposure to radioiodines from the
BRAVOtest fallout was not possible in
persons born after 1954.
The numbers of people with solitary
thyroid nodules (mean estimated size,

2.1 em), previous thyroidectomy for a
thyroid nodule, total thyroid nodules,
and the prevalence of thyroid nodules
for the reconstructed 1954 population
appear in Table 3. For the l2 atolls
previously thought unexposedtofallout
radiation, the prevalence of nodules

ranged from 0.9% to 10.6% (Fig 2). If

these atolls were not exposed to radiciodines from the BRAVO test, we
would expect, in the absence of other
risk factors for thyroid nodularity, to
see the same prevalence of thyroid nodules in all the atolls. To test this hypothesis, we performed a ,’ analysis, The
results reject the null hypothesis that
no difference exists in the prevalence of
thyroid nodules among these 12 atolls
(x? = 23.45, df=11, P<.025).
Predictors of Risk
for Thyroid Neoplasia
To better understand the wide variatien in rates of thyroid nodules, we

performed multivariate analysis. Since
thyroid dose estimates for people living
on these 12 atolls are lacking, the distance of each atoll from the Bikini test
site was selected as a proxy for the dose
of radioiodine received by the thyroid
gland. Weightedlinear regression using
the age-adjusted prevalence of nodules
by atoll of residence in 1954 as the
dependent variable showsa highly significant inverse linear relationship with
distance from Bikini (r= — .65, P<.002)
(Fig 3). Although northern atolls used

in previous studies as a sourcefor unex-

posed controls were found to have a
prevalence of thyroid nodules of6.3%,*"*
the prevalence of nodules in our study
continues to decreaseto less than 1% as
the distance from thesite ofthe BRAVO
test increases. We believe a better esti-

mate for the prevalence of thyroid nod-

ules in unexposed -Marshallese to be
2.45%, the mean prevalence of the two
To examine risk at the level of the
individual, we used logistic regression
analysis, in which the presence or absence of a thyroid nodule was the dependentvariable. Not only distance but

also age and sex, 6 (the angle from 0°

latitude), and the product of 6 and distance were all significant contributors
to the logistic model (Table 4). The
addition of inverse distance terms or
higher order polynomial] distance terms
was not significant.
The odds ratios obtained from the
regression coefficients show that the
probability of a thyroid nodule developing in a femaleis 3.7 times higher than
that in males (Table 4), a finding consistent with those of other studies of
thyroid exposure.”
The oddsratio for distanceis 0.33 per
100 miles from the test site, and for 6,
0.59 for every 10°. In other words, the

probability of a nodule decreases approximately threefold for every 100
miles farther from Bikini and twofold
for every 10° going east to west in a
clockwise direction. Figure 4 shows the
fitted logistic model for males and females, given mean age, with the actual
prevalence data plotted. Again, as seen
with linear regression, the probability
decreases as the distance from Bikini

To better illustrate the interaction of
distance and 6, we developed a set of
probability contours on the map of the

Islands using the logistic

model withall five variables. We set the

variable sex equal to females and the

variable age equal to the mean age of
females. For each of seven fixed probabilities between .5 and .01, the distance
was calculated for possible values of 8.
The valuesof 6 selected were between 0°
Thyroid Neoplasia—Hamilton et al


Select target paragraph3