RNil7 = ould, RONGELAP 4 rentTs) + Rr LaSigh 4 asians e eee ara tg Ven hd UJAE °PTT {> er) => Pra Fig 2.—Prevalence of thyroid nodules. Atolls shown in color inset were previously assumed unexposedto radioiodine from nuclearfaliout. Table 2.—Proportions of Atoll Populations Screened for Thyroid Nodularity ee Atoll = 10. Rongelap g 9} Mejit tsland z Estimated Population* Utrik Ailuk = 84 2 73 5 6 Likiep g 54 Wotje Maloelap Lae & 94 J Jaluit Ebon = 4] é 34 Ujae Wotho 7 10 : r 7 “Distance(mies) 7 500 , 600 Fig 3.—Weighted linear regression. Age-adjusted prevalence of thyroid nodules weighted by inverse of population variance is plotted against distance from BRAVO test on Bikin! Atoll. ews tH 100 MILES Fig 1.—Marshall Islands. BRAVO test site is shown on Bikini Atoll. Peopie on other atolls were screened for thyroid nodules. *¥ 8.4 aad 0,0 °2.4 rsWe [oe tte, MP eis 4 UTRIK Pte . "40.6 8 eT ; 100 MILES =~ RONGELAP 2m) oo WOTJE KWAJALEIN The Marshall Islands o ~38.6 BIKIN, 201 287 278 353 419 Total 22707 4 1 137 (33) = 4104 187 (70) 34 (46) 8 ] a 05; 217 (61) te 1723 (16) 5855 1808 (30) 7266 (32) 2 *Projected from 1980 Marshall Islands census data. tScreening of the entire Kwajalein and Majuro populations was not attempted; only persons from these two atolls who had lived on the other 13 primary atolls in 1954 were screened. L 2 759 (59) 517 (65) 6061 1 =o ye 8 184 (64) 1295 792 10791 ‘ota 50 122 (61) 364 (78) 443 (83) 149 (72) 269 74 ’ 263 (95) 486 534 206 teat Majurot Kwajaleint Total No. (%) Screened ee B : : : 4 ; { 4 3 1 £ 4 g 1 1 °> p——— 100 200 ———+# 300 400 Drstance (miles) 5-2 500 600 : A Fig 4.—Logistic regression anatysis. Probability of thyroid nodule developing in an individual (from fitted logistic model) is shown for each sex, given mean age, as function of distance from Bikini Atoll. Actual prevalence data are also plotted. Females, top curve, and males, bottom curve. BIKINI Re art.) Fig 5.— Probability contours. Graph shows fitted probability contours for thyroid nodules for females, computed from complete logistic model. Distance was calculated for each contour of fixed probability, given mean ageof females, for values of 8 from 0° to 80°. JAMA, Aug 7, 1987—Vol 258, No. 5 Thyroid Neoplasia—Hamilton et al 631 are ee am | Totem Ta at)