Since the condition for return to Enewetak involve the voluntary restrictions of movement by the
people among the islands of their atoll and prohibition of consuming specific foods from chose areas
the possibility of a situation developing analogous to that of Bikini exists.
Because of this possibility the US - Department of Energy feels that it is mandatory that careful base line body
burdens be obtained on all people returned to Enewetak and that this be done in conjunction with
a careful medical examination.
Subsequent WBC and medical examination will be necessary to detect
any significant accumulation of radioactivity.
The study population now consists of
the 244 originally exposed (minus the indi-

viduals lost to the study by death or dis-

location) plus a group of 209 individuals in
the comparison group.
Over the last 10 years, there has been an
ever-expanding concern with primary care
problems that have been detected in this
population who have not been taken care of
even after referral to the TT health care
delivery system.
The program has therefore
become more and more enmeshed in primary care,
diagnosis and treatment of conditions not thought
to be related to radiation, i.e., diabetes and
high blood pressure and severe dental disease.

In addition to the group outlined in the traditional program, the expansion of the program
to include the following islands would increase the study population as follows:





400 +
400 +
300 +


2100 +

This population has received a variable amount of background radiation ranging from ambient to
indeterminate low.
If this population is included in the study group, a careful epidemiologic
protocol will need to be provided to characterize the populations, identify the dependent and
independent variables and consider the need for/or availability of a comparison population.

Both the field and the departmental directors
of the program have realized that adequate
screening for radiation related disease will
detect this other group of health problems
and pathologic conditions and that we are

compelled by the lack of TT services to

provide primary care.

Consequently, with

essentially level funding there has been a
dilu tion of the research dollar.

Staffing - for the last 24 years the

full-time staff for this program has consis-

ted of 1 full-time MD/director and 1-2 full
time technicians. Over the last 6 years there

have been intermittent resident physicians
based in the Marshall Islands, however those
physicians, with one notable exception, have
frequently provided more problems that help

to the PI.

Staffing - over the last year there have been major changes in the scope and responsibility
of the Brookhaven National Laboratory medical program.
For the last 2 years there has been an
increasing perception of the critical role that communication (health and radiation education)
plays in the delicate interface between the Marshallese and the US representatives.
Within the
lastsix months, concurrent with the establishment of a new Marshall Islands government there has
been a concerted effort by all parties concerned to develop a highly integrated and cooperative
effort to serve the medical needs of the Marshallese people.
In line with this effort, and
considering the projected increase in the study population, a position paper was developed by

Brookhaven National Laboratory for US ~- Department of Energy in December 1978.

Since that time,

recent developments have necessitated a re-evaluation of personnel needs.
The program has been
without a resident physician in the island for six months and it is anticipated that a functional
The annual surveys have been re-designed
replacemert will not be available for another six months.

Select target paragraph3