The following bibliography represents a compilation of reports on
the Marshallese people exposed to radioactive fallout in March, 1954.
This list includes all known medical reports as of March, 1966. In many
of these reports the Marshallese population is reported on only as one

of several populations under study. In addition, certain radioecological
studies (largely by the Laboratory of Radiation Biology, University of
Washington, Seattle) carried out at Rongelap are presented as a supplementary bibliography. A third section of the bibliography comprises reports
on the Japanese fishermen who were also exposed to radioactive fallout
while on their boat, the Lucky Dragon, in 1954.


Marshallese Medical Reports

Twelve-month post-exposure survey on Marshallese exposed to fallout radiation.

E. P. Cronkite, C. L. Dunham, D. Griffin, S. D. McPherson, and K. T.
Brookhaven National Laboratory Report, BNL 384(T-71), 1955.

Physical factors and dosimetry in the Marshall Island radiation exposures.
C. A. Sondhaus and V. P. Bond.

Naval Radiol. Defense Lab., WT 939(Del.), 1955.

Skin lesions, epilation and nail pigmentation in Marshallese and Americans

accidentally contaminated with radioactive fallout,
R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulman, D. A. Wood, C. L. Dunham, E. L. Alpen, and
L. E. Browning.
Naval Medical Research Institute and Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory,
NMRI Report NM 006 012. 04.82, 1955.
Response of human beings accidentally exposed to significant fallout radiation from a thermonuclear explosion.
E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulman, R. S. Farr,
S. H. Cohn, C. L. Dunham, and L. E. Browning.

J.A.M.A. 159: 430-434, 1955.

A Naval medical team studies fallout effects.
Office of Naval Research, Research Reviews, NAVEXOS P-510, pp. 1-9 >
November, 1955.

Emergency laboratory organization for the care of large numbers of human
beings accidentally exposed to ionizing radiation.

C. R. Sipe, P. K. Schork, C. P. A. Strome, W. H. Gibbs.
Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Research Report Project NM 006

012.04.91, Vol. 13, pp. 821-834, 1955.

Medical examination of the Rongelap people six months after exposure to
fallout radiation during Operation Castle.
V. P. Bond, R. A. Conard, J. S. Robertson, and E, A. Waden, Jr.
Operation Castle Addendum Report 4.1A WI-937, April, 1955.


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