Hospital of Medical Research Center, BNL

June, 1966

This 15 year old Marshallese girl was admitted to this hospital for evaluation of
a thyroid nodule which had developed during the past yeir.
History of Present Illness:

This girl had been exposed at 3 years of age to

radioactive fallout, receiving an estimated dose of 175 rads of whole-body gamma

irradiation of the exposed skin surfaces from direct deposition of

fallout material, and some degree of internal absorption of radioactive materials
from ingestion of contaminated food and water.
It was estimated that the radiotodine absorbed in the fallout delivered a dose to the thyroid gland in the range
of 700-1,400 rads and an additional dose of 175 rads was received by the gland
from gamma radiation.
She had transient gastrointestinal symptoms during the
first two days and subsequently developed a leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.

Beginning about two weeks after exposure she developed rather marked "beta burns"

of the skin and epilation.
All of these acute effects had disappeared at about
l year post exposure.
With the exception of the present illness, subsequent
examinations have revealed no serious illnesses or injuries in this girl.
statural growth over the past 12 years has been slightly below the mean curve
for the unexposed Marshallese girls in the comparison population.

occurred in 1965. In September, 1965, a small nodule was noted in the right
lower pole of the thyroid. In spite of treatment with thyroid hormone the nodule

increased in size to about 0.5 mm by March, 1966.
She had always been considered
to be euthyroid.
Her PBI level in March, 1966, was 5.0 peh.

Physical Examination:
A small nodule (2-3 mm) was palpated in its left lower
The remainder of the physical examination was essentially negative
for impetigo-like lesions of the skin.

Laboratory and X-Ray Data:
Thyroid Work-Up:
PBI was 6.5 ug% with 4.5 we% of
thyroxin; 73 12.9%; antithyroglobulin titre under 1:16; thyroid
scan with 99™Tc
showed normal uptake with several "hot" nodules noted
in the right upper lobe,
right middle lobe and left upper lobe; 1327 uptake was normal
and showed normal
increase following TSH stimulation,
BMR was +25 and +28; cholesterol level was

low (118 mg% with 105.8 mg% esters).

In contrast to some of the other Marshallese

cases, these findings seemed to indicate a Slightly increase
d functioning gland.
Chest plate and EKG were normal.
The hemogram and the remainder of the laboratory
work-up was essentially negative.

Hospital Course:

Following the initial examination at this hospital, the

was removed on June 5 to the New England Deaconess
Hospital, Boston.

On June

1966, a bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy was performed by
Dr. Bentley P. Colcock

of the Lahey Clinic, removing thyroid tissue which
contained multiple nodules,
the largest being about 0.5 cm.
Dr. W. A. Meissner of the New England Deaconess
Hospital reported that the surgical specimens contai
ned multiple nodules of varying sizes and his pathological diagnosis was;
adenomatous goiter.
The patient's

recuvery from surgery was uneventful, and she was return
ed to Brookhaven on June ll.
She was started on desiccated thyroid treatment, 180
mg daily to be continued


Her surgical wound healed nicely and she was

Adenomatous goiter.


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