Parts 1 and 2 of this report present data pertinent to the monitoring of long-range

fallout, particularly Sr®® and Cs'3". Values are tabulated for the fallout deposition,

air concentrations, water concentrations, and the amounts in foods and human
bone. In addition, results are given for some experimental investigations. The
report of these results is not interpretative although certain papers that do attempt
to interpret the present situation with respect to Sr® in particular are reprinted in
Part 4.
Part 3 presents bibliographies covering the period since the 1957 hearings
before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy concerning the nature of radioactive
fallout and its effects on man. A document listof submissions to the United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation is given to illustrate the
work done in other countries, and, finally, several papers on the subject, which
have not been generally available, are reprinted in Part 4.

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