Lester Machta
Weather Bureau, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.



It is typical of nuclear tests that the radioactivity of the fission products has been released
to the atmosphere. The deposition of these fission products on the earth’s surface is loosely

termed “fallout.” The total quantity of fallout depends primarily on the total fission yield of

the nuclear device, but the area in which the deposition occurs depends on a number of fea-

tures, such as the atmospheric winds, the yield of the bomb, the terrain, and aititude of the
explosion. It is the purpose of this discussion to review the atmospheric processes that transport the radioactive debris back to the ground.
Fallout is assigned to three classes:! first, local or close-in, which is deposited within

the first 24 hr after the detonation; second, intermediate or tropospheric, which is deposited
largely within the first 30 to 60 days; and finally, delayed or stratospheric, which can take
many years to be deposited.


The main feature that distinguishes local fallout from other categories is its appreciable
settling speed. The particles are large and heavy enoughto fall through the air. As the particles settle, they are transported by the winds. Particles originating at different altitudes

are acted upon by differing winds, causing fallout in different areas. If the winds blow in approximately the same direction at all altitudes, as frequently occurs, the pattern is long and

narrow. This gives rise to the familiar cigar-shaped pattern, with the larger particles, or

those originating at lower levels, falling closer to the burst point. If, on the other hand, there

is appreciable change of the wind direction with altitude, then the patterns may be very broad
and may show no Similarity to a cigar.” If the winds are extremely light, the particles will
settle back to earth close to ground zero and will make for very intense nearby radioactive
areas. If the speeds are comparatively strong, the same particles will be carried to greater
distances and will become diluted by being spread over larger areas with lower radiation
intensities. Further, from day to day one finds that the wind direction changes, varying the
general direction of the fallout area.
The meteorological principles governing the prediction of local fallout are well known. 2

Although there is considerable uncertainty in the prediction of the winds, this is not the only
uncertainty in predicting dosages on the ground. One must also associate a known amount of
radioactivity with each particle size at every altitude in the nuclear cloud. It is impossible to

obtain this radiological data from first principles based on the thermodynamics of the fireball

and the chemical and physical properties of the entrained debris. Instead, one uses observed
*Paper presented at Symposium on Low-Level Irradiation, American Association for the Advance-

ment of Science, Indianapolis, Indiana, Dec. 30, 1957.



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