Thus, it is likely that a technique has been developed which will make possible test operations
which contribute much less fallout.
In addition, the nonmilitary applications of atomic explosives, which the underground shot
on September 19 last year disclosed, appear to be so promising that for them alone we must
continue certain tests in order that these benefits may be available to the human race. For example, in the underground shot, just mentioned, we produced an earth shock which was very
revealing to the seismologists in its clarity and sharpness within a considerable distance from
the Nevada test site and it is certain now that from atomic detonations we will be able to determinethe internal structure and character of the earth with a clarity and detail never possible
with earthquake shocks because of their diffuseness in both time and location.
A second possibility is the applicability of nuclear explosions to moving earth, if the fallout
hazard can be controlled. Craters produced in the Pacific Islands are convincing testimony of

the possibility of making harbors in regions where the local fallout hazard is tolerable. Per-

haps with the devices of reduced fallout which are now being developed such applications will be
possible in more populated regions.
A third most intriguing possibility is that of shaking and breaking subterranean structures
by nuclear shock. The underground detonation, despite its small 1.7 kiloton yield, is estimated
to have crushed about 0.4 million tons of rock. It happened that the mountain selected consisted
of rather soft rock, but nevertheless it was consolidated and supported its own weight. After the
explosion, a sphere 260 ft in radius was crushed so it could easily be mined. It was not rendered
radioactive because the radioactivity was contained in thin rock shell mentioned earlier, which
weighed only 700 tons and which was visually distinguishable from the ordinary rock and thus
can be separated easily. It is clear that this type of application has great promise.
A fourth example is the containment of the heat generated from large atomic explosions in
rock structures which are dry and therefore free of the pervasive thermal conductive charac-

teristics of steam and water. This affords a definite possibility for generating atomic power; if
detonations, which are large enough to make such power economical, are practical and if the
subsequentdrilling and removal of the heat by injection of water to produce steam proveto be
A fifth example is the possibility of making radioactive isotopes by surrounding the explosive devices with appropriate materials so that the neutrons which always escape in atomic
explosions can be utilized at least in part.
A sixth example is the potential utilization of the radiation and heat of the bomb to cause
chemical reactions.
These six possible nonmilitary applications show that nuclear explosions may have peaceful applications of real importance and that the understanding of the phenomenaof radioactive
fallout is useful not only in conducting a weapons test, but in the promotion of important peaceful applications.
The radioactivity produced by the detonation of nuclear weapons has been extensively

studied and reported upon.'~!” From this work we have learned about the amountof radioactive

fallout which occurs, and the mechanismsfor its dissemination in a broad and general way. Let
us consider a few of these generalpoints.
1. The stratosphere plays an extremely important role for the fallout from megaton yield
weapons, and the troposphere is the medium which disseminates the fallout from kiloton detonations; thus, speaking broadly, stratospheric debris is from megaton yield detonations and the
tropospheric fallout is from those of lower yield. It is not that the yield of the detonation is determinative, but rather that the altitude to which the fireball arises before its average density
is equalized with that of the surrounding air determines the fallout rates. The megaton yield
fireballs are so enormousthat they stabilize at levels only above the tropopause, the imaginary
boundary layer dividing the upper part of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, from the lower part,
the troposphere, while the kiloton yield fireballs stabilize below the tropopause. The tropopause
normally occurs at something like 40,000- to 50,000-ft altitude, although it depends on season
and location. In other words, low-yield bombsfired in the stratosphere would be expected to
give the same slow fallout rates as high-yield weapons do whenfired in the troposphere, or on
the surface if attention is focused on the part of the fallout which does not come down locally to
form the oval shaped pattern pointed in the downwind direction.


Select target paragraph3