Appendix 2

1. It is comparatively simple to show that the sr” deposition in the U. K. is primarily of
stratospheric origin. It is generally agreed that tropospheric dust is deposited in a matter of

weeks and a mean atmospheric residence time of 31 days has been obtained by measurement.'
An upper limit can therefore be set to the amount of Sr®® of tropospheric origin in a sample

by attributing all the observed Sr®to that source, assuming mean age of, say, 35 days, and

computing the associated Sr®*, It has been shown by this method that tropospheric Sr*® con-

tributes less than 5% of the total observed during the 1955 peak period in Fig. 3. In more detail,

if one assumes that sample 17 (Table 2), which gave a particularly high Sr®®/Sr’® ratio, was a

mixture of 1954 dust and dust from the U. S. spring tests of 1955 and that the latter was 35 days
old, the contribution of the 1955 tests can be shown to be only 8% of the total, and this is certainly an upper limit. Similar reasoning can be applied to the more complex 1956 peak andit
can be shown ...2t an upper limit to the contribution of tropospheric dust to the total deposited

Sr® is 12%.

2. It is possible to demonstrate the importance of old fission products in the rain water

studies by examining the Sr®/Sr®° and Ce!44/sr*® ratios in Table 2. For fresh fission products

these ratios would have values of 154 and 34 approximately and these would decay withhalf

lives of approximately 55 days and 285 days respectively. The ratios in Table 2 are in general
much smaller than their theoretical initial values, indicating the presence of old fission prod-

ucts. The highest Sr®*/Sr®° ratio was obtained on sample 38 and the method of para. 1 shows

that the short-lived material contributed 45% of the Sr’in this sample; the sample was of low
specific activity, however, and the correction serves only to increase the maximum to minimum
ratio in Fig. 3.
3. Computations based on the measurementof the gross fission productactivity in rain
water also argue in favour of the stratospheric origin of the deposited Sr®*’, The effective age
of the fission products in all daily rain water samples has been determined from the slope of
the decay curves measured soon after collection. Using the general argument of para. 1, all
samples whose effective ages were less than 50 days were selected as of tropospheric origin
only and the corresponding amounts of sr®? calculated, using a fission yield of 4%. The result

again showsthat tropospheric dust has contributed less than 10% of the total Sr*° deposited.

4. An argument supporting the hypothesis that the Sr™ has its main origin in large-scale
nuclear explosions lies in the magnitude of the deposition, which reached a value of 7.5 mc/km?

at Milford Haven in April 1957. Up to January 1955, it was possible to distinguish between the

fission products from the various series of tests with sufficient accuracy to allow the associated
Sr®® to be calculated. By this means it has been shown that the total amount of sr*? deposited at
Milford Haven as a result of all weapon tests in the nominal range of sizes, prior to January
1955, was 0.19 mc/km?, Although the exact number of such weapons exploded since then is not
known, it is unlikely that they can have contributed more than a few percent of the total Sr?


This argument can be strengthened by considering the total world deposition of Sr’. By

extrapolating the curve of Fig. 5a to zero at the poles, and integrating over the surface of the

earth, it has been calculated that the total Sr®° deposited in 1956 was 9 x 10° curies. Since the

rainfall at each of the measuring stations represented in Fig. 5a is not necessarily representative in amount of the rainfall within its own belt of latitude, a better estimate of the total sr*°
deposited per year in recent years can be obtained by combining the specific activity curve of
Fig. 5b with the mean annual rainfall in various latitudes’ and integrating over the earth’s
surface as before. The value thus obtained for the annual deposition of Sr® is 6.7 x 10° curies
which, assuming a 4% fission yield for Sr*’, is the amount associated with the fission products
from a 5 MT explosion, or from 2,500 nominal explosions. This number alone suggests that
nominal explosions can have contributed a small fraction only of the annual deposition of Sr?
in recent years.


Select target paragraph3