
Mr. Donn Gaeda then discussed the budget aspects set

forth on pages 104 andII0 of the document.

Thebudget proposal

for the four atolls plan includes costs for a special charter
ship making at least eight visits a year to the pamed four atolls.

Discussion on the Loma Linda Proposal


Mr. Safford, State, asked if there would be sizeable reduction of
costs in the four atoll plan if the special ship could be eliminated.

Dr. Hart indicated that, in time if airfields were built on all of
the atolls

(i.e., Rongelap and Utirik, Kili Island)

air transpor-

tation could be used, but there would still be mertain primary care
services that could not be met by using air service.




referred to P.L.

96-205 and asked what is the

responsibility of the Government of the Marshal¥°Islands for

providing basic health care to its citizens.
It was noted that
the budget proposals for the four atoll proposal; as well as a
health care proposal for all of the Marshalls, Smcluded a first

year contribution of $3.5 million from MarshalleZslands Government

funding, and MIG funds also would be available :
continuing years.
In answer to a question on cost escalation, Dr.:Hart explained
that an approximate 20% inflationary factor had'*been built into
the proposal after year one, i.e., 1980.
Also population growth

had been taken into account.



Mr. Gerry, MIALP, stated the proposal was a fing health plan but
he denied the fact that radiation problems are got "minimal" as
stated in the proposal.
In fact, he believes they are "great"
in the Marshalls.
Up and beyond the actual radiation aspects,

there are mental health effects that also are very significant.

Special health care for all aspects of radiatiom” related aspects
should be provided to the "affected peoples" by-the United States




He commented that in his estimation,

the plan by denying or down-

for the U.S.

Congress searcely would

grading the radiation factors has

Congress to accept it.

made it politically impossible

underwrite health care for all the people of théMarshalls unless
it were shown that the underlying cause was carg needed because
of results of the U.S.atomic testing program. ZAdditionally, the report was contradictory on ée “radiation
The overall plan stressed "minimal effects of
radiation" yet the report in places also stressed the "thyroid
abnormalities" of the Rongelapese and Utirikes@#and other related
radiation effects on the exposed people".
He a@iso found the _
Table 4 on page“@7 showed cancer
statistics cited unexplained.
to be the leading cause of death in the Marshai%s.
Would you not
expect in an "undeveloped

Was it not possible that radiation*exposure might be

reflected in the cancer statistics?
on children?


Had any studies been done

What about the documented reports? of birth abnormali-

Why were these aspects ignored?


Select target paragraph3