Mrs. Van Cleve, TIA,

indicated that DOI is prepared to receive

comments on this aspect.

Mr. Jonathan Weisgall, Legal Advisor for the people of Bikini,
asked whether written comments presented by the various groups
to DOI could be shared by all.

Mr. Gerry, MIALP, said that his group would be willing to provide
copies of comments to any group present.
Mrs. Van Cleve,


commented that if the originator could do

this that would be fine and would they indicate distribution on
the original sent to DOI.
DOI, though, would be prepared to

provide copies if needed.

Mr. T. Mitchell, Enewetak Counsel, asked whether any Federal
Agency comments would also be circulated.
Mrs. Van Cleve stated

that if any agency comments were received within the week, they
could be made available.

Mr. T. Mitchell,



stated that he liked the Environmental

He believes it goes the full distance, it covers the four

named atolls,


and provides for future research.

He had two

The first involved the development of standards

for Dose Assessment comparison.
How are the standards going to
be developed?
If question of standards are to be part of the
plan and would be developed by contractor, then Mitchell would
want to be involved.
Dr. Noshkin commented that the reference to standards in the

proposal was meant to refer to acceptable U.S. Federal standards.

Mr. Mitchell,

then stressed that he sees a need for the involve-

ment of the local people
The research,
be explained carefully.

(the four atolls)

in the monitoring

the visits, the sampling, etc., should
Dr. Noshkin agreed that this was an

important aspect and anticipated that prior to the start of
every monitoring visit, a preliminary briefing session would

be held with the local people.

Mr. Mitchell, Enewetak, raised the question of transportation
and communication support for the monitoring program.
How would
this be handled?
Dr. Noshkin pointed out that a special vessel would be needed.
The current DOE program has a chartered vessel.
Mr. Mitchell asked if there were a dedicated vessel, would there
be any unused times available?

Dr. Noshkin commented that the new program would call for 5 months
Possibly the Education program might use 2 months.
could leave up to 5 months free, but this was a guess at this

Select target paragraph3