

way ty







would provide broadcast information about nuclegr radiation

and its possible effects.
There would be systematic evaluation
of the effectiveness of the communication process and modifica-

tions of the program as necessary.
The program would be a
continuing one, to reinforce, review and update the information.

The estimated cost of the Education and Information Program
for the first full year would be $950,000. Details of the
plan and continuing costs were outlined in the official
document, "Marshall Islands Radiation Education and
Information Program Plan" that was distributed to all

Discussion on Radiation Education and Information Proposal

Mr. Ron Cogswell, TIA, Interior OMB Examiner, asked whether
continuing program costs were included.
These gontinuing
costs are outlined on pages 23 and 45 of the Edgication and

Information Document.

First year costs would bm $950,000,

2nd year costs would be $840,000 then dropping fo $410, 000

for the fifth year.
Starting with the 9th year the costs
would jump again to $970,000 largely due to the-starting


again of training teams in the United States anf-deve lopment
of special programs.

Ms. Elaine Falender, (Covington & Burling, Lega, Advisors
for the Government of the Marshalls) inquired what the costs

would be

if the education and information progr#ms were to

be extended beyond the four named atolls.
Dr. d§nrah noted
that expansion of the program to cover all of tte Marshalls

would probably mean a cost that would be approximately 3

times as high,


i.e., first year costs in the range of $2.3

Ms. Falender wondered why the cost shgtld go that

high since so many of the items appeared to be fixed costs.

Assistant Secretary Clusen stated that addition&l information
on costs for a program to cover all of the Marshalls would

be provided later.

Richard F. Gerry


(Marshalls Islands Atomic#testing

Litigation Project) inquired whether a determination had
been made as to what were the "other affected atolls”.
The MIALP represents the people of Rongélap, Utirik,

groups and individuals of various other islan

in the Northern Marshalls.

Fand atolls


Mrs. Van Cleve, TIA, noted that the contractor

to define "an affected atoll" and that the ques§

addressed later at a more appropriate time.
contractor's responsibility.


Select target paragraph3