July 25, 1968
The 1967 AEC survey team undertook an intensive study of the atoll
measuring external radiation levels and the raedicactivity content of

soil, water and plants and of animal life.

The dast previous survey

had been made in 1964 as a part of continuing studies of the atoll since


The survey team noted that vegetation on the islands of the atoll

ia dense and that the populations of birds and the marine life of the
lagoon were large.

However, the coconut trees which are the basis of human

life and the economy of coral atolls nad been destroyed during the tests.
The density of the new vegetation has largely checked their recovery.
The results of the survey have been analyzed by a special committee
of consultants.

The consultants concluded that:

“The exposures to radiation that would result from
repatriation of the Bikini people do not offer a significant

threat to their health and safety.”
Although the consultants have judged the radiation levels on the

atoll now to be acceptable, they made several recommendations for reducing
exposure even further.


These recommendations include:

Restrict living areas to the major islands of Meu (Ryu) and

Bikini for the present and cover the village area with a layer of coral
rock to reduce further the low level of radiation from the soil;


Clean out the present population of strontium 90-bearing coconut

crabs, which form a part of the diet of Pacific Islanders;

Remove the radioactive scrap metal which still remains on some

of the islands near the test sites; and


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