July 25, 1968
Depending upon the availacility of funds, the initial contingenc
of returnees might be settled within 2 year.

In the meantime, Bikini

workers would be engaged in clearing, planting, and building activities.


Return of all of the Bikinians now living on Kili might be accomplished
within two years.

However, resettiement assistance will be required for

@ much longer period.

Tne atoll is now virtually devoid of edible or



economic plants and a feeding program will be required until subsistence
fooderops reach adequate levels end commercial crops come into production.
It takes approximately seven years for newly planted coconuts to pecome

fully productive.

The coconut is essential to life on a coral atoll,

providing food, drink, building materials, anc, equally important, virtually
the sole source of cash.
There is attached a draft announcement regarding the proposed resettlement
of the Bikini people.

Bikini and the desire of she people on Kili to return

has recently been in the news and there continues to be widespread interest
in these people.

For these rcasons, I request and urge your public announcement

of the decision that the Bikini people can and will be relocated on their
hone atoll of Bikini.


Secretary of the Interior

Select target paragraph3