said he intended to visit NRTS to inspect construction of facilities for

the ANP program.

Mr. Strauss said he had planred to visit NRTS at the

end of March.
Mr. Strauss asked that the General Manager determine the
Cormissioners' plans for attending Operation REDWING.

With reference

to the ovestion of press representatives -ttencding Operaticn REDWING,
Mr. Strauss said that this matter would be discussed at the CCB meeting

on Wednesday, March 7.


Emergency Transfer Directive
Mr. Strauss said that at a Cabinet Meeting earlier in the day,

the Cabinet had agreed that the Director, ODM, would coordinate all

energency procedures of the government agencies and would maintain records
of emercency procedures at a center for use by the Fresident or his

With reference to the emergency trznsfer directive avporoved

by the Commission at Meeting 1174 on February &, Mr. Strauss said the
President had indicated that after he had approved this directive,

should be filed at this center.


nerefore, Mr. Stravss said that after

he and the Secretary of Defense had presented the directive to the President
and obtained his approval, the General Manager should do this.


Budget Matters

Mr. Strauss said he had learned that some government agencies
would incur obligations greater than their budget authority for FY 1956.

He asked the General Manager to insure that AEC woutc not run the risk of
aiso doing this.

Mr. Fields said that he woulc disciss the matter with



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