DNA 1240H-2

V = volume of the base surge that corresponds to the buret condi-

tions considered (expressed in effective-mean-free-path units).

X = distance from P to element dV of the source of radiation,
measured in effective-mean-free-path units.

Jo = Volume source density in Mev/cm3 -sec.
Values for J, are caiculated by evaluating the expression




10M Mev /em> -seC


g¢ = the fraction of the total fission-product activity that


is in the base surge.
It has been assigned the values
shown in Table 17-4 for optimum agreement with test

weapon yield, in KT

V = base-surge volume in cm?
1.5x 10°3 = the number of fiasions per kiioton of weapon yield

E(t) = the energy emission rate of the fission products >!
= 2.78 47223 2.41 get Mev/see-fission


setae ee + oe


Select target paragraph3