17.5.3 Weapons-Test Data for Shielded Locations

Water Surface Bursts

Qperation Castle: Interior-location dose rates were not recorded“ for shot
At shot 5 (Yankee), some transit radiation was

received but not separately recorded” at unshielded locations on the
YAG-39. Since washdown was operating, some (but not all) of the deposit radioactivity was washed off the ship, and thus the dose rates
and doses recorded?[at various interior locations on the ship were

considered partly (but not entirely) due to transit radiation.


dose rates, which occurred at about H + 5 hr, were about 1 r/hr in the

interior of the superstructure, 0.4 r/hr in the bottom of No. 2 Hola,
and 0.02 r/hr in the starboard boiler. The respective total doses to
12 hr were about 7.5, 3, and 0.15 r.

Operation Redwing: As stated in 17.52, the only unshielded
transit-radiation data at .his operation are those fox Shot Tewa; thus
Tewa is the only shot for which a comparison of shielded and unshielded

transit radiation would be possible.

Although the dose rates at var-

ious interior Jecations were recorded, the transit and deposit contrib-

utione were not separated, nor are records for interior locations
explicitly presented. Reference 41 gives ratios of interior dose rates
and doses to total dose rates and doses recorded at the same times on
the weather decks of the target ships.
Such ratios are, in general,
lese than 0.5.

Underwater Bursts

Operation Crossroads, Shot Baker: Although film badgee recorded

total gamma exposure doses in many shielded locations, the transit com-

ponent of these doses is not known. Reference 29 estimated that on the

weather deck, the transit component was about 50%, but at interior

locations, the same reference states that details of badge placement

varied, resulting "in wide variation of doses received by badges sub-

jected to approximately the same radiation.” Also, according to this

report, conversion of film density to radiation dose “may be in error

as much as a factor of two," and the influence of shielding on the

badge readings is apparently many times the shielding effect which
might be expected from consideration of the plating thickness interposed
between the badge and the exterior of the vessel." Thus, it is impossible
to reliably estimate the transit component of the radiation records at
“interior locations at Shot Crossroads Baker.
ration Hardtack: Radiation histories were obtained on one

ship at Shot Wahoo and on all three ships at Shot Umbrells.

doses were also recorded.


It is estimated that transit radiation was

responsible for 95% and 98% of the total doses recorded in shielded


Select target paragraph3