DNA 1240H-2

(2) Gamma Radiation. Measurements of F.P.C. gamma radiation from
water-surface burets were made atOperations Castle®andRedving for

Gevices ranging in


ota, Tewa, and



| Analysis of available data from shots Flathead,

Navajo permitted construction of the curves of Fig.

(F.P.C. Gamma Dose ve Range for 1 MT) and the Dose Multiplying

Factor, Fig.17-6.

Both Figs. are redrawn from Ref. 28.

Use of these

two figures permits prediction of free-field F.P.C.-gamma-radiation doses
from water-surface bursts of yields from 100 KT to 10 MT. Additional
data are needed, however, particularly to verify the values of the dose

curves atranges
factor for

greater than 12,000 ft and of the dose-mitiplying-—— ~~ ~~ t

For underwater bursts, fragmentary measurements of F.P.C. gamma red-

dation were made at Operations Crossroads (Baker)29, 30 and Wigwam 3!

However, those measurements are not sufficiently detailed to permit re-

liable predictions of gamma dose rate or gamma dose as a function of time
and distance. Somewhat better measurements of F.P.C. gamma radiation

were obtained at Operation Hardtack, Shots Umbrella and Wahoo 73, X, 33

The GITR data obtained indicate that the stem of the water plume pro-

duced an early (less than 15-sec) significant peak gamma dose rate that

fell off rapidly with distance.

on Fig. 17-7,

Data from Refs. 32 and 33 are plotted

Several GITR'sw2e usai and the standard-GITR measurements

are estimated ~ to be more reliable than those of the ASEL-GITR; how-

ever all available data are plotted.
It should be noted that within the
first minute, significant gamma doses were measured, but the major portions

of thase doses were due to transit radiation (discussed in 17.5).


F.P.C. gamma dose, estimated: 33 to have been insignificant, is plotted
in Fig. 17-8.
The values showm in the figures are, in general, independent of direction from burst, but because of the paucity of data, are
considered reliable only within a factor of ten, and apply only to the
particular test conditions.

17.4.4 Effect of Geometry on the Interaction of
F.P.C. Gamma Radiation with a Target Ship
No shipboard measurements have been made of F.P.C. gamma radiation

from water-surface bursts.

At Operation Hardtack, efforts were made to

measure this radiation from underwater bursts at both exposed and
shielded locations aboard target destroyers. However, no doses were
recorded at the shielded locations within the first minute. The ships


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