DNA 1240H-2

17.2.4 Summary
To summarize, no thermal radiation effects are likely aboard sur-

face ships from underwater bursts occurring deeper than at depths scaled
to that of Crossroads Raker.*
It is estimated that thermal radiation effectea of underwater burets will increase as burst depth decreases,
up to the effects of surface bursts, which are illustrated by the

radiant exposures plotted in Fig.


Below-decks locations will

be completely protected from thermal radiation by the shielding
afforded by the ships' structures; topside gear or any opaque object
in the fireball-to-target line of sight will shield the location in
its shadow.
Radiant exposures required for destruction of combustibles

that may be found on the weather deck are listed in Table 17-1.

Criteria for personnel burns, as well as reduction of personnel exposure by shielding and evasive action, are discussed in Chapter 18.

“See Table 17-2

for shot yields and depths of burst.


Select target paragraph3