
and current methods of predicting free-field effects.
The remaining four classes of radiation fall into the category of
residual radiations. In 17.5, current knowledge of the effects of
transit radiation from airborne sources is summarized, and available

methods of predicting transit radiation aboard ship are discussed.
17.6, radiation from activity deposited on ships' weather surfaces is


Weapons-test data are summarized and methods of predicting

deposit radiation effects aboard ship are presented.
Radiation aboard
ship from water contaminated by a nuclear burst is discussed in 17. 7.

The discussion includes available weapons-test data and theoretical

calculations, and indicates that negligible radiation from waterborne
sources would penetrate combatant ships later than 1 hour after burst.
Section 17.8 summarizes effects of radiation from contaminated air with-


in a ship including available weapons-test data.


Select target paragraph3