DNA 1240H=-2

was concluded that radiation from the water contributed significantly to
the total radiation field at shipboard locations below the waterline,
but the low absolute value of the measured dose rates and doses made the

waterborne contribution unimportant. ©

ration Redwing: During Operation Redwing, the YAG's 39
and 40 were again used 4a test ships.
As part of the ship-shielding

studies, 4! estimates were made of the upper limits of contaminatedwater contribution to total dose rates and doses in the test ships'
holds. Gamma detectors were placed at several locations below the
waterline, in the double bottom of the YAG 39, and below the keel

of the YAG 40.

Available data for Shot Navajo include estimates

of 4-pi free-field gamma dose rates as functions of time in the
water at 20- and 30-ft depths around the YAG 29. In addition, washed-

and unwashed-deck area time-dose-rate histories are recorded.


presented is a curve giving the ratio of the dose rate in the recorder

room (which was unchanged from Operation Castle) to thet on the

washed-deck area. Comparison of the records indicates that peak
dose rates in the water and on the deck areas occurred at the sam time aut
5 hr after burst. Peak water dose rates at 20- to 30-ft depths were

about 0.05 to 0.08 r/hr, and free-field gamma doses in the water were

estimated to be about 0.4 r by 10 hr, about 0.93 r by 30 hr, and about
lr by 40 hr. The recorder-room dose rate, calculated from other
information in Ref. 18, appeared to be ahout 0.002 r/hr by about 5 hr

after burst, and the doses calculated to 10 and 30 hr appeared to be

about 0.018 r and 0.04 r, respectively.

The dose rate in the lower

No. 2 hold, similarly calculated, was found to be about 0.06 r/hr by

5 hr, and the doses to 10 to 30 hr appear to have been about 0.27 r and

0.45 r, respectively. The dose rate on the unwashed weather deck at
5 hr was about 1.5 r/hr, and the accumlated doses by 10 and 30 hr were

about 6 and 9.5 r.


These data are tabulated in Table 17-6 for ease of


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