

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences Divisions

Richard T. Cederwall, M.S., formerly a Meteorology Associate, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, Upton, New York, assigned to the Terrestrial and

Atmospheric Sciences Section, Environmental Sciences Division.
Jeffrey I. Daniels, M.S., University of California, Los Angeles,
California, assigned to the Analysis and Assessment Section, Environmental
Sciences Division.
Susan K. Healy, M.S., formerly a research scientist on contract with
Staff Builders, transferred to the Biomedical Sciences Division, LLL.
She is working on the NIEHS Food Mutagen Project doing Salmonella

mutagenesis asSays.
Tomas Hirschfeld, Ph.D., formerly at Block Instruments Laboratory, now
part-time in the Biomedical Sciences Division functioning as a general

consultant in areas of spectroscopy, instrumentation and analytical
Douglas J.



transferred from Post College Appointment Program,

LLL, Livermore, California, assigned to the Instrumentation Development
and Technical Support Section, Environmental Sciences Division.
Dennis S. Orwig, B.A., formerly a graduate student at the University of
Washington, Biochemistry Department.
He is working in carcinogen
metabolism in the Biomedical Sciences Division, LLL.
Edmund P. Salazar, B.S., transferred from Post College Appointment
Program, LLL, assigned to the Cell Biology Section of the Biomedical
Sciences Division.

Nancy Shen, M.S., is carrying out chemical, electrophoretic, and isoelectric
focusing analyses of plasma lipoproteins, proteins, and membrane components.
These analyses are part of the overall studies on the structural expression

of genetic variants and physiological consequences of the variation.

Beverly Berger, resigned from the laboratory and took a position with the
Department of Energy.
Elliot Bogart, resigned from the laboratory.
in McLean, Virginia.

Accepted a position at TRW

Patrick Coyne, resigned from the laboratory and took a position with the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Woodward, Oklahoma.
He is currently a
consultant .to Environmental Sciences Division.
Donald Ermak,

transferred to "L" Division,

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