
* be about fivefold larger. Added to these would
be a smaller number caused by chromosoma]

defects and recessive diseases. (c) Risk Relative
to Current Prevalence of Serious Disabilities.
In addition to those in (b) caused by single-gene
defects and chromosome aberrations are con-

genital abnormalities and constitutional dis-

eases which are partly genetic. It is estimated
that the total incidence from all these including
those in (b) above, would be between 1100 and
27,000 per year at equilibrium (again, based on
3.6 million births). This would be about 0.75%

at equilibrium, or 0.1% in the first generation.
(a) The Risk in Terms of Overall II]-Health. The

most tangible measureof total genetic damage
is probably “ill-health” which includes but is
not limited to the above categories. It is
thought that between 5% and 50% ofill-health
is proportional to the mutation rate. Using a
value of 20% and a doubling dose of 20 rem, we
can calculate that 5 rem per generation would
eventually lead to an increase of 5% in theillhealth of the population. Using estimates of
the financial costs of ill-health, such effects can
be measured in dollarsif this is needed for costbenefit analysis.
Until recently, it has been taken for granted

that genetic risks from exposure of populations to ionizing radiation near background

levels were of much greater import than were
somatic risks. However, this assumption can no
longer be made if linear non-threshold relationships are accepted as a basis for estimating
cancer risks Based on knowledge of mecha-

nisms (admittedly incomplete) it must be stated

that tumor induction as a result of radiation.

injury to one or a fewcells of the body cannot
be excluded. Risk estimates have been made
based on this premise and using linear extrapolation from the data from the A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, from certain
groups of patients irradiated therapeutically,
and from groups occupationally exposed. Such
calculations based on these data from irradiat-

ed humansJead to the prediction that addition-

al exposure of the U. §. population of 5 rem per
_ 80 years could cause from roughly 3,000 to
15,000 cancer deaths annually, depending on
the assumptions used in the calculations. The
Committee considers the most likely estimate
to be approximately 6,000 cancer deaths annually, an increase of about 2% in the spontaneous cancer death rate which is an increase of

about 0.3% in the overall death rate from «!!
Given the estimates for genetic and somatic

risk, the question arises as to howthis infor-

mation can be used as a basis for radiation

protection guidance. Logically the guidance or
standards should be related to risk. Whethe:

we regard a risk as acceptable or not depends
on howavoidable it is, and, to the extent not

avoidable, how it compares with the risks of

alternative options and those normally accepted bysociety.

There is reason to expect that over the next
few decades, the dose commitmentsfor all manmade sources of radiation except medica)
should not exceed more than a few millirems

average annual dose to the entire U. S. popula-

tion. The present guides of 170 mrem/yr grew
out of an effort to balance societal needs

against genetic risks. It appears that these
needs can be met with far lower average expo-

sures and lower genetic and somatic risk than

permitted by the current Radiation Protection
Guide. To this extent, the current Guide is unnecessarily high.

The exposures from medical and dental uses

should be subject to the samerationale. To the

extent that such exposures can be reduced

without impairing benefits, they are also unnecessarily high.

It is not within the scope of this Committee to
propose numerical limits of radiation exposure.

It is apparent that sound decisions require
technical, economic and sociological considera-

tions of a complex nature. However, we can
state some general principles, many of which
are well-recognized and in use, and some of
which may represent a departure from present

a) No exposure to ionizing radiation should

be permitted without the expectation of a

commensurate benefit.

b) The public must be protected from radia-

tion but not to the extent that the degree

cf protection provided results in the substitution of a worse hazard for the radiation avoided. Additionally there should

not be attempted the reduction of small

risks even further at the cost: of large

sums of money that spent otherwise,

would clearly produce greater benefit.



Select target paragraph3