© UL. COVER NM ENT FRIMTING CFFUCE! COTO-R8d-092 Mr. Theodore Mitchell -3- August 21, 1979 a wre. traecs. Item No. 6. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) is {n the process of OTI:PADIt 1s not yet available. The dose estimates were provided by LLL, however, and copfes of what the Department received are enclosed (Tab F). . {21/79 Iten No. 7. In response to your FOI request in Item No. 7, the records you requested are at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. — ~ preparing this document. [er-sress— They are in the OES) process of being assimilated. As soon as they are forwarded here, {t ch will be determined whether they can be released and you will be promptly McCraw notified. We anticipate no problems at this time. [sate 48/21/79 Item No. 8, Risk estimates of somatic or genetic consequences of varfous [eresvasec radiation exposure levels were not made. Risk estimates for some of the . SD radiation exposure values identified (f.e., 170 millfirem per year and cer 5000 mill{rem per 30 years) are given in the summary statement of the 4 National Academy of Scfiences-National Research Council's Report of the Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radfatfon (Tab 6}.8/21/79 . vane. The Atomic Energy Commissfon Task Group Report published {n the Enewetak OGC ¢.-. Environmental Thipact Statement, Volume II, Tab B, pages III-11 and 12 [PREY eS and for bone marrow. | 8/2/79 provides a somatic risk assessment for a radiation exposure of 250 millirem Brown per year, the recommended radiation protection criteria for the whole body °«** Item No. 9. No such documents exist. ft . cITiataes We trust that this information {s respensive to your request. Ge. | Sincerely, ng RTG. SYMBOL tousTiaaas/ 896. | Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D. Office of Environment 7 Enclosures Mrc. Van Cleve, DOI iNITIALS/ 68. Dr. Weyzen, QHER Mr. Deal, OESD en rm Mrs. Clusen, ASEV Mr. Hollister, ADASEV Mr. Whitnah, OMS Ev: bec: are. SYMBOL Mr. McCraw, OESD Mr. Brown, OGC Mr. Gelband, AD-44 DOE ARCHIVES EV 64620 9001404 BOE FORM AD-9 MATH OFFICIAL FILE COPY