_ 842
Mr. McKay. How do you get coconuts in the program! What kind

of a bureaucratic round-about do vou have to go through to get them
on the
Mr. Be RUM. T guess We just include it, make sure we have enough
moneyto go around.

Mr. McKay. Would you have authority toapproveit!
Mr. DeBreat. No, sir. It would have to be approved by the High
Mr. McKay. Could he approve it alone or would he have to get

approval up here?

Mr. DeBres. I think he has authority to approve it. the High
Mrs. Vax Creve. Yes.

Mr. Yates. Mr. DeBrum. vou said if coconuts were notsupplicd to

you asa Tikinian. vou would leechesae ge

Jalil] torr’

“Mr. DEDRUM. 2s. i Ubev were availble onphe jeland yes.

Mr. Yares. And THe avab op thejstind. are they not?
Mr. DeBrrss. Jes.
Mr. Yarns. Sof y
acayuts they are going
to climb the pecs
foto eeyep jf they are contaminates
ne tbat sir
hgve boo
EBRUM. Thev herve


Mr. Yarra. Let's gro back to the interrogation.
“So you became a little more alarmed than when vou were the
Atomic Energy Commission. in 76 youfirst encountered this kind of
« test. Is this an annual test that you had been making of the people !
“Mr. Dear. Yes, sir.

“Mr. Yates. What kind of tests. mou.thly. semiannually, every four

months. or what?

“M- Dat. I can supply vou o statement for the record. I will give

yo: 20. information.”
Then «vere is placed in the record on pages 1172 and 1173
& pretty gird statement of tests that were made and a very bad estimate of the cSults of the tests. We find in 1964 the findings. “photographed and alentified organisms on reefs and i-lands. No gross anom-

alies seen in plants and animal: duc to radioactivity.”

1976 shows “exposure Jevels to the Bikinians varies considerably

fromislandto island on the atoll.”
February 1967, “confirmed earlier survey results for external
That does not tel] us anything. “Cs-137 and strontium % predomi-

nate in terrestrial organisms. Co-60 and Fe-o5 in marinc organisms.”

What docs that mean. Dr. Deal?
ir, Drav. It means that in the fish that they were catching they
found eobalt-60 and Fe-55.
Mr. Yatrs. In large amounts!
Mr. Drar. I do not know, sir.

Mr. Yates. This result does not show that then!
Mr. Dratr. No. We did not trv to give vou a complete copy of the
reports. We just tried to give vou the highlights of the surveys at the

time, and probably, as vou say, did a pretty poor job on that.



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