

an area where they are able to famn it and to take the water from the
area. 1 think that isa practical situation.


Mr. Yates. Suppose vou were to plant other coconut trees. How
long does it take coconut trees to come ¢
Let's ask the next question. We talk as thong! coconuts were the
only food there. Isnt there other fol?
Mrs. Vax Creve. Thereis. indeed.
Mr. Yates. What other foods do theveat ¢

Mrs. Vax Curve. Breadfruit. papaya. sweet potatoes.
Mr. Yates. Arc all of these contaminarcd ‘

Mrs. Vax Creve. All of these have turned out to Le contaminated
when grown in Bikini.
Mr. Yates. That is because of the soil being contaminated?
Mrs. Vaw Creve. That is correct.
Mr. Yates. And the contamination in the soil is transferred to the
food. sydthorejo po Wain icy Cale PT tte ene Tt TA te CUE:

téMinared: is thin eas


sar. Dean. Dhatos correct.
Mr. Yares. How much 0Y a chore is it to bring food in from the
outsidc? Suppose it wire a barren atoll: they didn't have the opypuntunity to grow things.
Mrs. Vax Creve. I think it is entirely feasible to bring food in



from the outside. What we believe. hawever, glo pode truslay it

nor_foosilic to OXpeet Pace

debe ote pa duvet ogy

elas ound

not eat the things thutare srowine there and net eaepie tai

Wa contd feel then entireds Dron Owls ce eee ba we

could not barthem enechively groin Cathelocal pra.iuce,

Mr. Yates. How do they get their water now? What is the water
that is contaminated ? [s it from wells?
Mrs. Vax Creve. It is a groundwater supply a¢ I understand it. vee.
Mr. Dear. My understanding is that there are some cistems ton,
some runoff water from rain. but ] think it is the wells too. They have
to use the wells under certain conditions. There isnt enough cistern

Mr. Yatrs. There is not enough cistern water. The cistem water ts:


not contaminated, is it?

Mr Mrs. Not to anvextent to cause them this kind of problem. sir.

Ts dud th. avellwater js contaminated?
Mi. bea Yes. sirit is.

Mr. Yates Ts there any way of decontaminating the well water?

Lan vou boil the contaminants out ?

Mr. Desc. No. sir. It would take a very sophisticatos

resins used in chemical proccssi?


OMITTATA. HOWSitternow en pctisivc is lt!
Mr. Dra I really don't know. We have never Jooked at that prob-

len, that > xnow of, except back during the fallout days there was a
questic ; about decontaminating milk, and there was some Jooking at




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