tous. boss
Thex said
e net eg
iat aGi b ie eli \
had a drought. ana 3 shortage of fresl. WAtrr

Arebelien wore dansing

MOTCOTIinc coconil bik Tain chevlyt ordinarily.



Mr. Yates. Did they eat the coconuts and did they drink the milk

becaus vou weren't providing them with adequate food and water!
Mr. Desc. I will have to defer to our_friend~ in Intepongtebes!
war provided.
lates. Will somebody answer that? Whoare his friends jn
Wr oraT



Yates. Appts von don't have any friends.

MYODiv. 2 was afraid of that.

Mr. Yamrs. Somebodyought toanswer that question.


Were vou on duty then. Mr. Winkel? When did you take office !

Mr. Wisk. I took office in June of 1977.


Mr. Yatrs. Who did vou have in charge of this operation !
Mr. Wixkev. I] was in charge of the operation. and under me the
District Administrator was in charge of the operation. The feeding
procram was initiated in October and November of 1977, and ample
food supplics to provide a halanced diet were delivered. have beer
delivered. Nutritionists accompanying these supplies and staving with
the people for a period of time to help them and assist them in the
utilization of the food and so forth. We have nao reason to believe the
fond was not consumed, inasmuch as there is no evidence of unconsted quantities in anvsize at all.
Mr. Yarrs. What kind of food did you deliver to them? Did vou
alec deliver watertothem ?
Mr. Winker. U.S. Department of Agriculture foods. and fresh foods
from Ponape. and water was delivered. ] do not know myself in what
Perhap- the District Administrator could respond to that. because.
he has accomnanied one of the shipments in the first instance.
Mr. Yates. Let's hear from him.
iene trying to find out ie whe they went hack tothe coconuts
and the nalk it


were warned against

eating thie coconuts an

111 pmb
lage peBeca.-J am the Deputy Administrator of the Marshall


Coconut is something that the people can see. They will drink the

milk. They do that even when we visit the island periodically. They
offer us coconuts to dink. so as long as they have coconuts in their
surroundings. I do believe that they will drinkit.
Mr. Yatts. Even in the face of warnings not to drink it?

Mr. O. neBrun. Yes, sir.
Mr. Yares. Then they continue to eat the coconut and drink the milk

and ent the food that the government gives them.

Mr. O. oeBreas. The last time I was there they were still eating the

coconuts. They have been told not to eat them. To stop them from eat:

ing that. sir, we have to remove the people fromthe islands or cut down
the total number of trees.

Mr. Yarzs. That is the only way you can do it.



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