C14 4O0 1 &t F | | us DOE ARCHES 32, AFG — Z Collection Jee Deal “a £3 Box. i. RG SOF © 6.8. COVER ME EMT PRITTIES BFPISE: OTEDSE 9350 Polder Mexshal/ ts/emns 1999-1 August 2], 1979 ‘Rr. Theodore Mitchetl Executive Director Micronesian Legal Services Corporation, Suite 300 1424 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 imeFiaLe/ ste. Dear Mr. Mitchell: BATE The Department of Energy {s pleased to respond to your letter of August 3, 1979, in which you requested copfes of a number of records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The following responses [ave.cvasc. SSTETBRET are numbered to coincide with your numbered requests. Item No. 1. [eave The statement fs based upon test{mony presented by Messrs. DeBrum, Weissgall, Deal, DeYoung and Mrs. Van Cleve, and others Hearings before Subcommittees of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, on April 12, May 22, and June 19, 1978. !\ Coptes of pertinent portions of that testimony are enclosed (Tab A). -Additional relevant information {s available in the Hearings testimony conducted by the Subcommittee on July 25, 1978. of the final transcript of this testimony. “ave,SvmeoL peeweeews MITIALS/ B66. jeer BATE We do not have a copy _ RTE. CY MSOL Reports from Brookhaven National Laboratory indicated that the Cesfum-137 | CmITIALS/ SIG. levels of Bikini residents increased with time until 1978, and decreased aD thereafter (post-relocation). These data were based upon whole body BatEz counting measurements. A summary of this {information {s enclosed (Tab B). eal This {ncrease in body burden coincided with {ncreased avaflabflity of locally grown terrestrial foods, particularly coconuts. The Ces{um-137 measurements sugoest that efther the quantity of imported food avaflable ) to the people or the quantity of available {mported food consumed by the people was below that level needed to moderate the increase in Cesfum-137 body burdens as locally grown foods became avaflable. Ze SO0TkO2 OFFICIAL FILE COPY Considering the facts OT HITIALS/ Ges. pd,i ites. pare EEE Te, SYMBOL The aerfal photogra hs of Bikin{ Atoll (which I belfeve Item No. have previously been sent to you show that the Bikini and Eneu Islands are separated by approximately five miles of reef. At low tide it 4s possible to walk from one island to the other. faa Rte. S¥YMBO. (eatn eeree< euTiace/s 216. ~~, > eave