Production, Development, and Fabrication Centers
Burlington-AEC Plant.........-. eee e eee eee,

Burlington, lowa ....

Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason

Feed Materials Plant............ 0.0... cece eee

Feed Materials Plant................ 0.00000 00s
Feed Materials Plant...............00ce eee euee

Ashtabula, Ohio. ....
Fernald, Ohio.......
Paducah, Ky........

Hanford WorkS.. 0.0. cece ce cue eee eevee eevee

Richland, Wash. ....

Idaho Chemicai Processing Plant...............
Mound Laboratory ............-0 02. cee eens
Nevada Test Site... 0... cece eee

INEL, Idaho ........
KansasCity, Mo.....
Miamisburg, Ohio ...
Mercury, Nev. ......

Reactive Metais,inc.
National Lead Co.
Nuclear Div., Union Carbide
Atlantic-Richfield Hanford Co.
and United Nuciear, Inc.
Allied Chemical Corp.
Bendix Corp.
Monsanto Research Corp.
Reynolds Electrical & Engineer-

Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant .............

Oak Ridge, Tenn.....

Paducah GaseousDiffusion Plant...............

Paducah, Ky........

Pantex Plant .....0.0.0.. 0.0.0 ccc cee eee eees

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant............

Portmouth, Ohio....
Amarillo, Texas .....

Pinellas Plant......0...00 000 ccc cee eens
Rocky Flats Plant ........ 0.0... c eee eee eee ees

Clearwater, Fla......
Golden, Colo........

SavannahRiver Plant... ....00.0..0.0.. 0.0 cee een
V-12 Plant .0 0.0 cette eens

Aiken, S.C..........
Oak Ridge, Tenn.....

Kansas City Plant... 6... eee ee

Co., Inc.

ing Co.; EG&G,inc.; and

Holmes & Narverinc.
Nuclear Div., Union Carbide
Nuclear Div., Union Carbide
Goodyear Atomic Corp.

Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason

Co. Inc.
General Electric Co.
Atomics International Div.

Rockwell International Corp.

E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Nuclear Div., Union Carbide

1974 Annual Report to Congress


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