179-80. Richard G. Hewlett, ‘Nuclear Weapon
Testing and Studies Related to Health Effects: An
Historical Sucamary” (unpublished ms., Oct. 1980),
pp. 43-44.


AEC, 1974 Annual Report to Congress, (Washington:


AEC Annual Report to Congress for 1965,
(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1966), p.
151; Annual Report to Congress for 1966,
(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1967), p.
211; AEC, 1974 Annual Report to Congress, p. 114.

Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Program,

January-December 1961 (Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1962), pp. 161-62; AEC, Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs, January-


December 1962 (Washington: Government Printing
Office, 1963), p. 234; Public Papers of Presidents of








AEC, Annual Report to Congress for 1960,
(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961), p.


AEC, Civilian Nuclear Power—A Report to the President — 1962, Nov. 20, 1962.

Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1972 (PL. 92-84,

“Annual Message to the Congress on the State of
the Union,’ Jan. 8, 1964; ‘Commencement Address
at Holy Cross College,’’ June 10, 1964, both in Public
Papers of the Presidents: Lyndon 8. Johnson,

Sections 31-33, Aug. 11, 1971; Richard G. Hewlett,
“‘Nonnuclear Energy Research in the Atomic Energy
Commission” (unpublished ms., Historian's Office,

(Washington: GovernmentPrinting office, 1965), pp.


117, 763-764.










Corbin Allardice and Edward R. Trapneli, The Atomic
Energy Commission (New York: Praegar Publishers,

1974), op. 131-32.

{Washington: Government Printing Office, 1965), pp.
12-14; Hewlett, ‘’The AEC in Retrospect,’ p. 18;
“Remarks Upon Signing Bill Permitting Private
Ownership of Nuctear Materials,”” Public Papers of
the Presidents: Lyndon B. Johnson, (Washington:
Government Printing Office, 1965), p. 1006.


“Reorganization of Atomic Energy Operating Functions,”” AEC Announcement 216, Dec. 7, 1971.


“The Right to be Heard—Laying (t on the Line,”

Remarks given by AEC Commissioner William 0.

Doub (at 1971 Annual Conference of the Industrial
Forum, Oct. 18, 1971); President Richard M. Nixon,
Message to the Congress on ‘‘A Program to Insure
an Adequate Supply of Clean Energy in the Future,”
June 4, 1971 in Executive Energy Documents,p. 1.

AEC, Civilian Nuclear Power, The 1967 Supplement
to the 1962 Report to the President, February, 1967;
AEC, 1974 Annual Report to Congress, p. 239.
Richard M. Nixon, ‘A Program to Insure an Adequate Supply of Clean Energy in the Future,” June 4,
1971, as reprinted in Executive Energy Documents,

“Statement by the AEC on Court of Appeais Deci-

sion in Calvert Cliffs Litigation,” AEC Announcement

0-134, Aug. 4, 1971; AEC Annual Report to Congress
for 1971 (Washington: Government Printing Office,

published by the Senate Committee on Energy and

Natural Resources, July 1978, pp. 1-12 (Hereafter
cited as Executive Energy Documents).

1972) pp. 1-2, 21-23.


“Operating and Developmental Functions,” AEC
1972 Annual Report to Congress, pp. 10-12; “AEC
Continues Developmental Push for Breeder Reactor,’’ AEC Announcement 0-10, January 29, 1971.


“Atomic Energy Research in the Life and Physical

Sciences — 1960," A Special Report of the United
States Atomic Energy Commission, January 1961,

(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961);

(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1963), pp.

GovernmentPrinting Office, 1974), pp. 24-26.

“AEC Makes Organizational Changes to Strengthen
Its Regulatory Program,” Press Release 0-207, Nov.

11, 1971.

Richard M. Nixon, '’Statement,”” June 29, 1973 in Executive Energy Documents, pp. 49-55; Statement by
Dixy Lee Ray, Chairman of the AEC, AEC Press
Release R-274, June 29, 1973.

AEC, Major Activities in the Atomic. Energy Programs, January-Oecember 1961 (Washington:
Government Printing Office 1962), pp. 337-38;
Richard G. Hewlett, ‘‘The Development of the
Nuclear Power Industry” (unpublished ms.,
Historian’s Office, 1974), pp. 13-14; AEC, Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs, JanuaryDecember 1961, p. 337-38.


The Nation’s Energy Future, A Report to President
Richard M. Nixon, December 1973 (Washington:
Government Printing Office, 1973) p. ix: ‘‘Proposats
to Deal with the Energy Crisis,” Jan. 23, 1974, in Executive Energy Documents, pp. 119-134; White
House Fact Sheet, ‘Energy Research and Develop-

ment,” Oct. 11, 1973.



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