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Health Physics Pergamon Press 1973. Vol. 24 (May), pp. 555-557. Printed in Northern Ireland

Fallout “’Cs Levels in Man Over a 12 yr

(Received 7 July 1972; in revised form 3 August 1972)
AFTER the partial test ban treaty in 1963 and subsequent stopping of nuclear weaponstesting in the
atmosphere by United States and Soviet Union, the

level of radioactive contamination in the biosphere

Ten normal and healthy subjects (7 males and
three females) who were counted once every month
for 12 yr are employees of Brookhaven National
Laboratory (BNL). These subjects did not have any

significant occupational contact with radioactive
substances. At the start of study their age ranged
from 25 to 45 yr.

In addition to #7Cs measurements, body potassium
of these subjects was also measured by counting

has been reduced considerably, China and France
gamma ray activity of naturally occurring radiowhodid not sign this treaty, continue weaponstesting
isotope K,
in the atmosphere. At the present time there is no
significant increase in the levels of radioactive conResults and Discussion
tamination from these latter tests, as these constitute a
follows a metabolic path similar to
very small per cent of total tests conducted by the _
that of potassium andis found mainly in muscle mass,
U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. Nevertheless, these tests do pose
body burdens of 13’Cs. are expressed in terms of body
possible future hazards and should testing continue,
potassium (pCi/g). This ratio tends to minimize the
periodic monitoring of the atmosphere and human
in values due to variations in body weight.
subjects is necessary.
The results are presented in Fig. 1. After nuclear
Cesium-137 is one of the products which results
weapons testing in the atmosphere was stopped
from nuclear explosions. Because ofits long halflife
towards the end of 1959, there was a drop in the
(Ty = 30 yr) and ease with which it enters into the
specific activity of 487Cs, and the average valuein 1961
body through food and milk, ®’Cs presents a potential
was 37 pCi/g. Anperson™) of Los Alamos Scientific
radiation hazard to man. This report presents body
burdens of ’?Cs observed in a selected population of Laboratory (LASL) reported 25-30 pCi/g at the end
Long Island from the beginning of 1960 until the end of 1961. Cesium-137 levels in man started rising in

been previously reported,

Methods and Materials

_was about 75 pCi/g and in March 1963 it rose to 110

pCi/g.4) In the present study, the average value for
1963 was 80 pCi/g which reached a maximum value
of 180 pCi/g in August 1964. The sharp rise was ob-

Cesium-137 emits a gamma ray of energy of
0.66 MeV and body burdens of cesium can be
measured with whoie body counter. Two different
Brookhaven whole body counters were used for the
measurements. Initially, an 8 x 4-in. sodium iodide

served during the spring of the year associated with

more sensitive and advanced 54 crystal detector

18-20 pCi/g with very little change in level in 1970
and 1971.

crystal detector was used in a standard chair counting
geometry.'2) In 1967 this system was replaced by a
system with an on-line computer facility.4) This

system, in addition to its high sensitivity, corrects

individually for body absorption of gamma rays
employing broad-beam !57Cs sources and a computer
program.'3) The counting time was reduced from
30 min in chair geometry to 15 min in 54 crystal

geometry. As usual, to avoid any possible external
contamination, each subject changes to hospital dress
and showers prior to counting. Both the systems were
intercalibrated before the switch over.
* Research supported by the U.S, Atomic Energy



1962 again after the start of a new series of tests in
1961. In December 1962, specific activity of 7Cs


heavy rainfall. The 18’Cs levels were lower in female

by 20°% when compared with males.
After the test ban treaty in 1963 and subsequent

decrease in radioactive contamination in atmosphere,
137Cs concentration in manstarted declining towards
the end of 1964. The average value for 1969 was
A comparison of the present results with those of

other investigators is shown in Fig. 2, The numberof

variables involved in the level of ’Cs make it

difficult to compare the results from other countries.
Some of these variables are food habit, geographical
location and the variability of biological half life of

The rate of fall of the ®’Cs concentration in
human beings was found to have a half life of about
520 days from September 1964 until 1968.





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well with LASL, however, the corresponding valuesin
the U.S.S.R. were uniformly higher (Fig. 2).

cottection MARSHALL



187Cs in man. Results obtained by BNL compare very

The Medicu) Reosen
rehy Center
Brookhaven Natio pid


Upton, L. L, New Yo
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of 1971. Estimates of total radiation dose are also
given and the results are compared with those of other
investigators. Early results of this investigation have

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