





Material for Eniwetok Cleanup/Rehabilitation DEIS
Alternative A - no cleanup
If only radioactive scrap and debris are removed, the environmental
impact of cleanup operations will be minimal; however, the DEIS should
describe and evaluate the environmental consequences of the man-made

radioactivity remaining in the environment.

There are certain large

and important islands where radioactivity is minimal and where little or
no cleanup will be necessary for rehabitation.
described and shown on maps.

These areas should be

Similarly, on large scale maps there may

be shown structures, e.g., buildings in good repair and docks, which will
contribute to living conditions.

Uninhabitable islands and portions of

islands may be described and shown on maps.

Proposed Actions - Cleanup Plan - Criteria - Radiological

Criteria for cleanup of radioactive scrap and debris developed
for and employed during cleanup of Bikini should be applicable to
Eniwetok, although these criteria should be reviewed by a group of
experts for assurance of their adequacy in 1973-74.

It should be

noted that such cleanup has little effect on human population dose
and is undertaken primarily to reduce the probability of high individual exposures.

Specific statements should deal with radioactive

waste crypts and any other locations where material has been concentrated.
Review radiological safety reports of last two test series at
Eniwetok (records of task force radsafe and contractor) and any

existent post test series surveys to identify any unusual conditions

Select target paragraph3