
Utirik, MarsnaLhL tsi.
ust Territory of the "ucifie

Mr. Rozer Ray, AlM/i2:S

U.S. Onergy Research and Development Adninistration (ERDA
Nevada Gperations Office

P.O. Sox 1400
Las Vegas, Nevada 8911)
Gear ifre Ray:

This letter is from tho chiefs and ell of the peonle in Utirik Atoll.
Yt has now been twenty~two years since the radioacbive fall-out from the Lomb,
wick hes disturbed the oeace and weltare from 1954 until the present.
The doctors from IRDA have told us that there were 1 rads in Utirik and
175 rads in Rongelap, therefore, we are very surprized, because in Utirik ue
Lave ten cases of thyroid nodules, three of which were malignant. But in ston clao

they have thirty cases of thyroid nodules, and alss three cases of inulignanec,.
Perhaps you can tell us if there is sone exolanation fur the same number of malivnant
thyroid cases in Kongelap and Utivik, who received very different levels of
ra Lration?
Additionally, we have nany wore things to ask, because at present we are
not hacpy with the way things are:
ie Why is there not a control groun in Utirik?

a) The people of Utirik are different fron the peonle of Rongelan--they

are a different gene pool end breeding populations
b) The people of Utirik were exrcsed to different levels of radiation than
the noople of Roeneelan---Utirik had Uy rads, erd Rongelan had 175 racse

c) there were different return times for the Ltiril people and the Vonclan
people from Muajalein (following their evacuation) in 19bh---the neosie
of Ubiril: returned to their atoll after threc months, and the peopl:

of Rongelap retuinsd to their atoll after three years.
d) Uowld it be correct to say thet revhars the Utirilk people received nore

than only 1), rads in light of their gnick return time to Utirik?

e) \iowld it be correct to say that we can exmect nany nore cases of thyroid
problems in the future?
2.» How come the ERDA doctors told us that thers cians just a Little bit of radiat
in Utirik end a lot in wtuneelan? That is, why are there the sae purnbcr

of malignant
clands in Utirik

as there are in Ronvelas?

Be wnty is at that the ep doclors wo not exouing the children of the eo oes!
Wtirif eroup?

he ay is it that the «Rul cectors vive cifferent treatuent to the neople of
tirits than the people of itonyelan? She; do nob give full exaninations

tn th: peoole of Utirik every year, as they do in wongelane

ly nol?

Se ‘the people cf Utirik should be able to chceose their own doctors

a) ‘the people of Utirik do not Like Dr. Knudsen beeause he does not
exerine all of the UbLirik peovle, and looks at the people of Utirik
aS if they are merely animals in a scientific emecriment, and further,
he does nol vorovice a “sick call" for the vaonles

b) ne meople of uiirik do nwt

peonte, maa han

A Yast

Tiles er. Conard because he Ties to the

aote poured pest

ot 8h

ape tie

CodeED AS P3039

Select target paragraph3