
The attached charts were prepared from tracings of island

views presented in NVO-140.

The "Soil Survey Data" shown are

transcribed, for location and value, from NVO-140. Ground
Zero and approximate locations were taken from the "Draft

Enewetak Fact Book" and Volume II of the “Engineering Study
for 2 Cleanup Plan".

two documents.

Burial sites were taken from these same

Debris removal information was taken from

computer print-out "Enewetak Cleanup Project - Job XE702".
Intended use is from Enewetak Atoll Master Plan, Table 4-1.

Soil survey tables show locations generally from left to

rignt/top to bottom across the island outline.
Soil survey
véelues were rounded to two digit numbers except for concentra-

tioas greater than 100 pCi/g.

Aerial survey data were transcribed from Aerial Survey
June-July 1977 photos.
Contours are only approximate, trans-

cribed by relation to features identifiable in both NVO-140

and Aerial Survey Photographs.
Approximate PU/AM ratios are
as calculated by Dr Bramlitt, FCDNA.


The case-by-case criteria recommended for consideration

is based upon intended and potential use.

Where criteria

recommended is "none" this simply means that application of

condition B or C is not warranted by the intended use.


noted, the potential use may warrant application of condition
B or C,

if resources permit such application.

In all cases

condition A or D must be applied if the survey shows concentrations greater than 400 pCi/g PU 239/240.
5. The priority shown is the recommended priority for commitment of resources to that island. This priority is not intended
to dictate the order in which work is performed.
These case-by-case criteria apply only to the cleanup of
soil contaninated by PU 239/240 to levels between 40 and 400


The recommended criteria should not be applied to

mendatory cleanup of contaminated and non-contaminated debris
or to the mandatory cleanup of soil contaminated to levels in

excess of 400 pCi/g PU 239/240.
Appendix C, OPLAN 600-77.)


(Conditions A and D, Tab E,

Select target paragraph3