Duplicate analysis: a. A duplicate field sample will be run using the normal procedure once a week. A reagent and glassware blank will be run after a high level (this to be determined by the chemist) sample has been pro- cessed. Background soil: a. Soil from Enewetak Island will be used as a "background" soil. ec. This soil will be used to prepare the blind spikes. Spiked soil samples: Enewetak soil used. a. A blind spike will be analyzed each week. This blind spike will have a known amount of Pu and/or americium comparable to amounts found in soil and the amounts of each will vary from week to week. Results: a. Quality control data will be evaluated each month. Radiation Detection Instruments 1. All gross alpha counters will be calibrated daily with a plutonium Standard, and a background determined daily. All gross Beta counters will be calibrated daily with a stron— tium-yttrium standard, and a background determinedaswell as a calibration run daily when in use.