Evaluate the rates and impacts of radionuclides remobilized from the
benthic environment to the lagoon water mass and subsequently, to the
open ocean;
Develop a fundamental radionuclide data base and construct models at
the Atolls that will be useful in predicting impacts on components of
the aquatic environment;


Furnish data to assist in locating usable sources of groundwater at
the Atol] and determine correlations between radionuclide
concentrations in the groundwater, soils and various edible plant
species; and

Evaluate the impact of marine plutonium labelled particulates
resuspended on the ocean-side reef at the Atolls of Bikini and



Dose Assessment Program

The goals of this program are to:

Develop accurate estimates of the maximum annual dose rate and the 30

year integral dose for alternate living patterns at Bikini and
Enewetak Atolls.

These assessments form a basis for decisions for

land-use at the atolls and also serve as a basis for decisions by the
people of each atoll.

The dose assessments in the Marshall Islands

must be as accurate as possible; they must neither seriously underestimate nor overestimate the potential radiological risks associated
@ith resettlement of these atolls.


Select target paragraph3