Whole body counting of people living at Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik has
been conducted to determine whether or not body burdens for 1376. are within

the federal guidelines and to directly estimate whole body doses.


Objectives of On-going DOE Monitoring, Research and Dose Assessment

Programs in the Marshall Islands.


Terrestrial] Program

The broad goals of this program are to develop the necessary data
base for radionuclide concentration, transport and cycling in the terrestrial
environment of northern Marshall Island Atolls.

These data are the input for

radiological assessments of alternate living patterns which serve as part of
the information base for evaluating resettlement options at Enewetak and

Bikini Atoll.
The specific objectives are to:


Determine the concentration of radionuclides in local food products
and assess the relative importance of currently used food products
and proposed food products to the estimated food chain doses.

Delineate the rates of uptake, redistribution and removal of
radionuclides in the ecosystem, and develop or refine the
concentration factors for the critical radionuclides;


Develop further understanding of radionuclide cycling in the
terrestrial foodchains and derive guidelines for agricultural
practices that will minimize population exposure via terrestrial


Select target paragraph3